Legacy - Performance 3.5 Software
This document summarizes the software available on the Metworx Performance 3.5 Blueprint release. This is considered a "legacy" version of the Metworx platform, with fundamental differences from the 20.X Metworx Blueprint Series.
Metworx Performance 3.5 Software
Guacamole: (v0.9.14)
Apache Guacamole is a clientless remote desktop gateway, requiring no client side applications other than a browser. Users will access an xfce desktop on running Metworx workflows.
MATLAB: (v9.5.0.9444444)
MathWorks MATLAB is a matrix-based language for solving computational mathematics. MATLAB traction lies mostly in the realm of engineering, but it is also preferred by many systems biology groups for being a high-level language with high capabilities for systems of differential equations and graphics. MATLAB will be installed as a desktop application, to be accessed via Guacamole.
Monolix Suite: (v2018R2)
Monolix is software for non-linear mixed effects modeling (NLME) in pharmacometrics. Monoolix provides an alternative to NONMEM using the SAEM algorithm, and can be used for preclinical and clinical population PK/PD modeling and for systems pharmacology. Monolix utilizes a desktop installation and will be accessed via Guacamole.
NGINX: (v1.14.2)
Linux Web Server providing reverse proxy in front of web based tools used for the ability to access Guacamole and RStudio via HTTPS.
Pirana desktop: (v2.9.9)
Pirana is an IDE for NONMEM development, allowing for tracking of model development, interfacing with PsN for NONMEM job submission and R for model diagnostics. This tool provides an alternative interface to NONMEM for users who prefer using a desktop GUI and has a longer history of support and acceptance in the Pharmacometrics community, as compared to PiranaJS. Pirana is a desktop application and will be accessed via Guacamole.
R: (v3.5.1)
R version (v3.5.1) (http://www.r-project.org/) is the current release of the open source statistical and graphics software on CRAN. Validation of the R installation and supporting packages will be mediated via the Chef recipe mrgQual::R (v0.3.0), which was developed to validate the core R installation through completion of example execution for the required and suggested base packages using the R function metrumrg::accept().
RStudio-Server: (v1.1.463)
The latest version of RStudio-Server will be installed. RStudio-Server is an interactive development environment (IDE) for code development, and acts as the primary interface to workflows. Additionally, RStudio-Server acts as a possible mechanism for data transfer to METWORX workflows.
RStudio Desktop (v1.1.463)
The desktop version of Pirana has functionality to interface with RStudio, but does not work with RStudio-Server. To allow this functionality to be utilized by METWORX users, the desktop version of RStudio is additionally installed.
Shiny-server (v1.5.10.990)
Shiny-server (pro) will be installed to enable the ENVISION platform on Metworx. Shiny-server is the server version of the engine developed by RStudio for hosting R code as interactive web interfaces via javascript and HTML. The Metworx ENVISION platform surfaces shiny functionality to Metworx users, and provides a tool within the Metworx platform for user management and publishing of Metworx user developed shiny applications.